Belicious Kids



An all natural mineral makeup brand made here in Australia.

Designed to allow all kid’s imaginations to sparkle with our playful products.

Alice is a creative, fun loving mum of two gorgeous kids.

Who advocates proudly about inclusiveness and acceptance of all children. Inclusiveness being the centre of all big Belicious creative ideas. Alice worked as a PA to a director for a large-scale branding and signage company in Melbourne prior to being one of the co-founders of Belicious.

Developing a product from scratch that is Proudly Australian Made and owned, that has been inspired by so many of her values, is something that she is extremely proud of. You will see Alice being a total Admin Master at Belicious, and is the creative mastermind behind all of our products.

Zoe is loud, extremely passionate about kids, play and imagination and a mum to two free spirited girls.

Coming from a background of Paediatric Nursing, the quality and safety of our magical products is what she wanted for our brand. It was important for Zoe to have a product that was safe, with no hidden additives and all natural.

You will find Zoe, developing new product ideas, and always hustling for the next big Belicious moment.

Minimum amount of order = 100$